BADRI Attends the First IFoA Middle East Conference in Riyadh and Dubai

BADRI Management Consultancy participated in the first Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) Middle East conference that was held in Riyadh on 11th to 12th May 2024 and in Dubai on 15th to 16th May 2024.

The conference saw insurance industry leaders and actuarial professionals converge for dynamic discussions, insightful sessions, and networking opportunities. Participants gained valuable insights into emerging trends and developments in actuarial science, risk management, and financial services.

BADRI takes pride that our Managing Director Hatim Maskawala was the chairman of the conference organizing committee and our Director Hasham Piperdy, FIA was also part of the organizing committee. BADRI was also an exhibition sponsor for the event in both locations.

In Riyadh, Hatim conducted a session on Professionalism, which led to interesting discussions on how actuaries should conduct themselves in a real- world situation.

In Dubai, Hasham gave a presentation on Pricing, common machine learning techniques increasingly used in developed markets to supplement Generalised Liner Modeling.

BADRI has always been at the forefront of promoting the actuarial profession, and our commitment to the IFoA conference exemplifies our dedication to driving that growth. We look forward to building on this momentum, continuing to support the development of the actuarial profession in the Middle East and beyond.