Eligibility Criteria
Pricing Game 2022 – Saudi Arabia
Day 1: 13/6/22, 6 hours 9:00 – 16:00
Part 1: Kick-off event (40 min) 9:00-9:40
- Presentation of the event and agenda – Badri
- Presentation of Addactis mission and range of solutions – Addactis
- Context of the KSA market – Badri
- Motivation and objectives of the Pricing Game
Part 2: Introduction, experience with GLMs, review (80 min) 9:40 – 11:00
- Why do we need GLMs? What do we know so far from different markets? – addactis
- Why is it more beneficial for the bottom line to implement a more segmented pricing? – addactis and Badri
- Specificities in KSA motor insurance (regulation, rating factors, data) – Badri
- Benchmark Badri in KSA – Badri
Part 3: Practical aspects and presentation of the Pricing Game (2 hours) 11:20 – 13:00
- Data structure and modeling requirements – addactis
- Presentation of the Pricing Game – addactis and Badri
- Policies and claims information analysis – addactis
- Demo on addactis® Pricing – addactis
Lunch Break (60 min) 13:00 – 14:00
Pricing Game Setup – interactive session (120 min) 14:00 – 16:00
- Data segmentation – addactis and Badri
- Large claim analysis – addactis and Badri
- Frequency, severity and pure premium analysis
- Time consistency
- Univariate analysis, detection of interactions, and correlations
- Pre-modeling data treatment
Day 2: 14/6/22, 6 hours 09:00 – 16:00
Part 1: GLM modeling – interactive session (120 min) 09:00 – 11:00
- How to read GLM outputs in Pricing
- Review of exponential family and multiplicative structure
- Interactive modeling session with addactis® Pricing
Break (20 min) 11:00 – 11:20
Part 2: Premium consolidation and loss projection (100 min) 11:20 – 13:00
- Rating structures consolidation: projection assumptions and premium formulas
- Reporting: Plan performance and dislocation analysis
- Performance metrics
Lunch Break (60 min) 13:00 – 14:00
Part 3: Model selection and delivery of results (120 min) 14:00 – 16:00
- Overall Pricing process review
- Introduction to price optimization
- Rating strategy selection
- Delivery of results
BADRI Driving Value
Main Objectives
Topics covered in the Pricing Games
Concept of risk differentiation and adverse selection
Inflation, trend and exposure analysis
Concepts of actuarial indicators, frequency, severity, and pure premium
Statistical modelling with multivariate techniques (GLMs)
Premium models consolidation
Impact analysis for out-of-sample projections
BADRI Addactis Pricing Game Presentation
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